No Need For Color Corrections
“Constantly retouching jobs was eating into our profits. But with PrintFactory, there’s no need for color corrections…”

PrintFactory | Wide Format Workflow Software
We’re always chasing colour in this business. Multiple RIPs don’t make life easier. Then there are substrates to think about, plus variations in temperature, humidity, ink, and wear-and-tear…
Even if you could tackle all those problems one by one, ICC colour engines don’t always deliver a ‘closed loop’ of colour outputs on different printers.
Usually, you’ll use canned profiles supplied by the printer’s manufacturer or the media supplier. Or, if you know how, you’ll be making new profiles – taking 45 minutes or more. Either way, more test prints and more retouching means you’re wasting ink and media. Idle machines cost money and it all starts to add up.
PrintFactory is the answer.
PrintFactory workflow software means no more productions proofs. Imagine that.
With PrintFactory’s Editor tool and a calibrated monitor, what you’re seeing on the screen is exactly what you’ll be printing on the press.
Our Editor tool analyses the RGB and CMYK and Spot colour detail for you and provides on-screen soft proofs you can trust 100%. Minimum productions proofs are a reality.

Let’s Get Technical
Device-link profiling is the key. Device-link profiles transform colour from one colour space to another automatically, with no manual intervention. We’ve built our workflow software to include 3-click wizards, which make it easy to create those profiles in minutes:
The profiles can be locked (so there’s no ‘tinkering’ by the more enthusiastic members of your team)
Profiles appear instantly, there’s no need to relink or reconfigure your printers because the profiles are all centrally managed and shared.
Profiles will use between 15-20% less ink – with no degradation in quality – which is the icing on the cake.
What’s more, with the Calibrator running, you can be matching the calibration on different printers in around 10 to 20 mins. Our Delta-e tolerances are proofing quality from the outset – coming in at 2, or less.
This means you can load-balance with ease, putting confidence back into your business wherever your printers are located (locally or remotely). You can do repeat jobs with 100% confidence in the colour too; saving files as a template to use a few weeks or even months later.